Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy (English)

Company name and contact information: Nature Hous Design Address: Online company, no physical address Email: [email] Phone: [tel]

Types of personal data collected: To ensure effective service and respond to user inquiries, we collect the following personal data: email addresses, phone numbers, and first names of our users.

Methods of collecting personal data: We collect personal data primarily through registration forms available on our website. Additionally, to improve our website’s functionality and provide better quality services, we use cookies. Cookies are used to gather information on user preferences and for statistical analysis of website traffic.

Purpose of collecting personal data: We collect personal data to provide comprehensive customer service and promptly respond to inquiries. This data is also used to communicate with users to provide detailed offers and information about our services.

Legal basis for processing personal data: Personal data processing is based on several legal grounds, including user consent for processing their data for communication and marketing purposes. Additionally, data is processed to fulfill contracts with our customers and based on legitimate interests in conducting business operations.

Sharing of personal data: Personal data of our users may only be shared with trusted service providers who assist us in providing design services and customer support. We affirm that we do not sell or disclose personal data to other entities without explicit user consent, unless required by law.

Retention period of personal data: We retain personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless users request its deletion or processing restriction earlier. The standard retention period is 30 days from the date of collection.

Users’ rights: Users of our website have the right to access their personal data, correct or delete it. They may also request the restriction of data processing and exercise their right to data portability. At any time, they have the right to withdraw previously given consent for data processing.

Data protection measures: We commit to implementing all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, loss, or unauthorized use. Our actions comply with current security standards and our hosting provider’s data protection policy,

Cookies Policy: Currently, our website does not use cookies. If they are implemented in the future, we will inform our users about their use and provide options to manage privacy settings.

Contact information for data protection officer: Our company does not have a dedicated data protection officer. However, for any questions regarding privacy and data protection, we encourage users to contact us via email ([email]).

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